Brittany is the artsy counterpart to the fit frontier of financiers here at Aspira. She is committed to telling the journey of Aspira and its future, illustrating the passion we hold for navigating life with you, and maybe adding a little colour and fun for everyone along the way.
She is also the co-host of Aspira's podcast. From Generation to Generation is a dad-daughter podcast on passing the three forms of wealth from one generation to the next - character, intellect and finance. Listen in as Brittany and Chris (Gen Z and Boomer) discuss the questions you can't Google about family and money with featured guests.
Brittany earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting from New York University. She lived in New York City for five years, until the eventful year of 2020 when she found her way back to where she grew up - Victoria, B.C. She and her husband, Zech, now enjoy the food and beer scene there. They have developed a rating system for breweries complete with spreadsheets, which includes 26 local breweries so far. So if you're visiting and need a brewery recommendation, reach out!